Swamp Sparrow, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Swamp Sparrow, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Swamp Sparrow, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Swamp Sparrow, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Swamp Sparrow, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Common Yellowthroat, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Common Yellowthroat, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Indigo Bunting carrying food, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Scarlet Tanager, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Eastern Phoebe, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
Eastern Phoebe, Prescott Peninsula, Aug 4, 2013 |
I spent about half the morning on Prescott Peninsula checking on various field
study plots. A rather productive morning with some good stuff around including
four Moose (one lone adult and an adult with two young...sorry, no photos...they were just too fast). No confirmed sightings
of Red Crossbills today but I may have heard one calling distantly but it only
called once and it was very far away so just a 'maybe' today. Yet again lots of young birds around and
adults carrying food to nests or hidden young. Most warblers have stopped
singing altogether with many species tough to find now that they are quiet (the
exception is Common Yellowthroat). I did however have one Yellow Warbler still singing
which was unusual. A few locations had some concentrations of birds with mixed
flocks taking advantage of some concentrated food sources. A total of 52
species for the few hours I was there.
Later in the morning went for a
walk with Wilson at Dufresne Rec Area in Granby. Fairly quiet there with many
areas seemingly devoid of birds. I'm sure the birds were around but without
them being vocal and not stopping to constantly scan, I probably missed
At home the hummingbirds are nearing their peak in numbers before
they start the migration south. It is tough to say how many are actually around
but I have had four in view at once but there are likely many times that
amount. Next week I will head over to a friends house in Whatley where a bander
will be banding the hummingbirds once again. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
First, congrats on getting pics of those little birds....especially the Swamp Sparrow! I still don't have a good one of that bird. Hope your banding is successful.
ReplyDeleteThanks...the little guys are tough...I have MANY more bad pics of them than good ones! I'll post about the banding next week...hopefully the weather cooperates.