Ruby throated Hummingbird (1st year male), Whately, MA, Aug 10, 2013 |
Ruby throated Hummingbird (adult female), Whately, MA, Aug 10, 2013 |
Ruby throated Hummingbird (adult male), Whately, MA, Aug 10, 2013 |
Ruby throated Hummingbird (adult female), Whately, MA, Aug 10, 2013 |
Trap for catching hummingbirds, Whately, MA, Aug 10, 2013 |
We headed over to Whately to see the annual hummingbird banding there which has been going on since 2008. We arrived just a bit after 6:30 and several hummingbirds had already been caught and banded. The first one was originally caught there in 2010 as at least a one year old bird so the bird was at least four years old now. Amazing to think this one little bird had made the trip back and forth to here from wintering grounds in either Central America or Mexico. More amazing when you consider the bird weighs just a few grams. The number of Ruby throated Hummingbirds at the location of the banding operation was amazing. The hummingbirds were everywhere with a dozen plus in view in a small area on several occasions. The location looks perfect to host an unusual hummingbird as the season continues. The record for hummingbirds banded here in a single morning occurred a few years ago and totalled in the mid 40's. Today the total reached an amazing 66! Of those, 58 were new captures and seven were recaptures (one from 2010 and the other half dozen from 2011 and 2012) and the last bird was a female with only one leg that didn't get banded. The bird looked healthy and well fed despite only having one leg. As always the owners of the home provided a great morning for all involved and bander Anthony Hill did a great job continually banding the birds and educating everyone about the banding process and the hummingbirds.
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