White rumped Sandpiper (R) with Lesser Yellowlegs (L), Arcadia, Aug 18, 2013 |
Lesser Yellowlegs, Arcadia, Aug 18, 2013 |
Killdeer, Arcadia, Aug 18, 2013 |
Solitary Sandpiper, Arcadia, Aug 18, 2013 |
I decided to try my luck finding shorebirds over at Arcadia this
morning and I was not disappointed. I arrived there just after 6 and Steve Motyl
was already there. A very nice selection of shorebirds on the mudflats
including a White rumped Sandpiper, a Semipalmated Sandpiper, a couple Solitary
Sandpipers, a Spotted Sandpiper, 21 Least Sandpipers, six Lesser Yellowlegs and
seven Killdeer. I attempted several times to get good photos of the White rumped Sandpiper but the best of the bunch is still not great at showing the field marks to ID the bird. The bird was larger than the other peeps present with long wings crossing behind the tail, an obvious white supercilium, and streaking on the sides of the belly. Seven species of shorebirds is not too bad for a small area
inland on a nice weather day. The best part is that one of the species, the
White rumped Sandpiper, was new for the year in Hampshire County making it
species #217. A handful of Wood Ducks, Mallards and Canada Geese were the
only waterfowl around. A pair of adult Bald Eagles chased each other back and
forth over the oxbow and a pair of Cooper's Hawks were flying around the fields
on my way out. A brief stop at the Ibis Pool didn't
produce anything unusual but the area looks prime for sparrows in the coming
Great Egrets, Rail trail-Amherst, Aug 18, 2013 |
Great Egrets, Rail trail-Amherst, Aug 18, 2013 |
I stopped at the rail trail in Amherst on my way home and walked
out to Hop Brook where I had three Great Egrets plus a few Green Herons and a
Great Blue Heron. Also had a couple Least Sandpipers, a
Killdeer and an American Woodcock that I flushed from right along the busy rail trail. A total of eight shorebirds for the morning made me quite happy.
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