Eastern Bluebird, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Eastern Bluebird, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Eastern Bluebird, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Bufflehead, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Bufflehead (4 on left) and a Horned Grebe (right), Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Black Ducks (male and female), Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
I decided to take a break today from searching for the (alleged) Gyrfalcon in Hadley and instead head over to Quabbin for a little solitude and perhaps some good birds. A dusting of snow overnight overnight made walking a bit dicey at times as you could not see where it was icy but I persevered and was rewarded with some good birds. I had a flyover Red Crossbill calling at Hank's Meadow (unable to record it). Waterfowl included a group of four female Bufflehead together, a couple Horned Grebe, an even dozen Black Ducks, a few Mallards, a couple Common Goldeneye, five Hooded Mergansers and 14 Common Mergansers. Also had a Belted Kingfisher and a flyover Snow Bunting at the dam. I also managed to get some decent digiscope shots of Eastern Bluebirds with my phone.
Red breasted Merganser, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Red breasted Merganser, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
Red breasted Merganser, Quabbin Park, Jan 6, 2013 |
I had a little more free time mid afternoon so I decided to make a quick run back over to Winsor Dam and the trip paid off nicely when I came across a female Red breasted Merganser fairly close in actively feeding. A bit unusual for January and the sighting resulted in a getting all three species of merganser. Other birds of note here this afternoon included just over 100 Mallards with the majority in a large flock heading north as well as 16 Wild Turkeys feeding around the HQ building.
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