Ruddy Duck, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013 |
Ruddy Duck, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013 |
Bufflehead, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013 |
Horned Grebe and Bufflehead, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013 |
Common Goldeneye, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013 |
I spent a short time this morning in the drizzle and fog checking out Quabbin Park with stops at various locations. Although the fog limited visibility at times the waterfowl show was quite impressive for the middle of January! Some unusual species as well as more expected ones were in evidence around the park. Waterfowl included a Ruddy Duck (very unusual at Quabbin with only a few other records for me personally at any time of year much less in January!), three Bufflehead, six Common Goldeneye, a Pied billed Grebe, a half dozen Horned Grebe, seven Common Mergansers, 15 Hooded Mergansers, nine Black Ducks and 30 Mallards. There were also at least two Belted Kingfishers around. There may have been more out there but the visibility was poor at times and I didn't have it in me to go too far looking.
Video of Bald Eagle swimming toward shore, Quabbin Park, Jan 12, 2013
I made a quick stop back at Winsor Dam later in the morning and had a unique sighting of an adult Bald Eagle chasing down and catching a juvenile Herring Gull. The eagle was last seen swimming to shore but I lost view of it in all the drizzle and fog. No Pine Grosbeaks around at all here the last few days.
So far for the month I'm up to 77 species in the county which is way ahead of any other January for me. Even last year, which was a great year, I ended up with 60 species for the entire month and we are not quite half way through the month this year and I'm already ahead by 16 species. Certainly a great illustration of how good a month for birding it has been so far.
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