Green Violetear, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Fiery throated Hummingbird, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Collared Redstart, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Volcano Junco, Parque nacional Los Quetzales, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Sooty capped Chlorospingus, Savegre Mountain Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Slaty Flowerpiercer, Savegre Mountain Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
View from the high point-Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
Flame colored Tanager, San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, Dec 23, 2013 |
On December 23rd I joined bird guide Johan
Fernandez for a trip to the top of the Cerro de la Muerta and the nearby San
Gerardo de Dota valley. This all day
trip produced 15 life birds including the Volcano Juncos that we missed finding
last December up in the same area. Among
the 15 life birds found on that day was the 800th species for my
life list, a Timberline Wren. Although I
got some brief, but great looks at it, I was unable to get a photo but managed
lots of photos of species #801…the Volcano Junco. The guide was great and would recommend him
for anyone planning a birding trip to Costa Rica. Just let me know if anyone needs contact
information for either guide…I would be happy to provide it.
Winsor Dam (somewhere out there is a Gadwall!), Quabbin Park, Jan 11, 2014 |
Meanwhile back here in the great white north we had to contend with a little freezing rain overnight into this morning which turned to just plain rain as the temperatures rose into the 50's. The rain and fog made viewing difficult at times and I never made it over to Winsor Dam until after 7:30 (late for me!). Despite the on and off heavy rain I managed to get out a little and find some birds. The best by far was an odd in January male Gadwall at Winsor Dam. The bird was fairly far out and the photos I got are too blurry to even post. I also hit Hank's Meadow and the only species of waterfowl was a single Mallard. Overall quite quiet but I was very happy to find a Gadwall. A few other stops at Winsor Dam only produced a single Common Merganser.
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