Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Great Blue Heron nest with young, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
Got out again at first light before it got too hot and headed over
to Covey WMA then briefly to Winsor Dam and finally over to Lake Wallace. The
mosquitoes and other biting insects have greatly increased in number and level
of annoyance (even with bug spray on). The bird species of the day seemed to be Black
billed Cuckoo as I had one calling at home when I got up, a couple more at Covey
and another at Lake Wallace. Certainly a good year for them this year. Nothing
too exciting at Covey but the swallow numbers continue to grow as most Tree
Swallows appear to have fledged. Winsor Dam was very quiet with no birds at all
on the water. The eagle nest still held at least one juvenile. Lake Wallace
produced around 20 Wood Ducks, a couple Green Herons, an adult and two young at
the Great Blue Heron nest and a continuing Sora calling from the marsh. Despite
much effort to get a look at the Sora the bird stayed out of view the entire
hour I was there but it called on and off the entire time.
Banded Hairstreak, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2013 |
At home the diversity of butterflies continues to grow and I had several Banded Hairstreaks chasing each other and occasionally landing plus several other species.
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