Ruby throated Hummingbird, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
Ruby throated Hummingbird, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
Yellow throated Vireo, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
Cedar Waxwings, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
Enfield lookout, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
Winsor Dam at dawn, Quabbin Park, June 16, 2013 |
I spent a few hours this morning around Quabbin Park and then over to
Lake Wallace. Not surprisingly I didn't find anything unusual given the fact
that it is mid June and most (if not all) species seen now are local
breeders. Nonetheless it is still interesting to watch the activities of these
birds as they raise the next generation. I made stops at Winsor Dam, Enfield lookout, Hanks Meadow and Goodnough Dike plus the Route 9 marsh at Quabbin Park.
Great Blue Heron on nest, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 16, 2013 |
Painted Turtles, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, June 16, 2013 |
At Lake Wallace I had a few
species of waterfowl including three adult female Hooded Mergansers (no young
seen), three Wood Ducks (again, no young), Mallard with four quite large
ducklings and several Canada Geese with young of various ages. The Great Blue
Heron continues to sit on the lone nest and a nearby Green Heron added another
wader species. At least two Virginia Rails continue to call from the marsh
section of the lake.
The day clouded up quickly and occasional showers
started up by late morning.
Chimney Swift, Amherst, MA, June 15, 2013 |
Last night I spent some time in Amherst
with several other birders following up on a report of an unusual hummingbird
seen at a private residence. Despite a lot of looking and waiting the suspect
hummingbird never showed. The bird may have been an odd ruby throated
hummingbird or perhaps something more exotic but we didn't have any luck finding
it. The homeowner will keep her eyes out and if the bird shows up again she will
let us know.
I never knew that hummingbirds would like mountain laurel!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen them hitting mountain laurel too many times before but the two males present were hitting them hard...guess at least some hummers like it!