I got an early start today checking various areas at Quabbin. With the remnants of Hurricane Earl offshore the wind was quite strong at times which probably kept total numbers down a bit. I began at dawn at Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park where I had a raft of 180+ Mallards resting on the water plus a group of almost 70 Canada Geese. The ducks flew out as the sun rose to destinations unknown. There was also a pair of Common Loons well out from the dam. I then made a series of stops at various points around Quabbin Park with highlights of Blue Gray Gnatcatcher, several still calling Eastern Wood Pewee's, Baltimore Oriole, a couple Scarlet Tanagers and a White Throated Sparrow.
My next stop was Gate 10 which produced a large juvenile Cooper's Hawk being harassed by some crows and a large group of Black throated Blue Warblers (at least half a dozen in view at once with one still calling). I then made a stop at Gate 9 which produced my first Blackpoll Warbler of the season plus a few Pine Warblers still calling.
My next stop was a walk down to the water at Gate 5. The wind had really picked up at this point and I was only able to find one mixed species flock in the swaying trees. I did have a close encounter with a Red breasted Nuthatch that seemed very interested in me and gave great looks. It seems to be a good year so far for Red breasted Nuthatch's around here as I have had a least a few around the house for a weeks now and run into them most every place I go. I also still have a few Ruby throated Hummingbirds around at the house.
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