Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Quabbin Park,Oct 16, 2011 |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Quabbin Park,Oct 16, 2011 |
Winter Wren, Quabbin Park,Oct 16, 2011 |
Song Sparrow, Quabbin Park,Oct 16, 2011 |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Quabbin Park,Oct 16, 2011 |
The windy weather continues for today with temperatures starting around 50 again. I visited Quabbin Park and Covey WMA again today. No out of the ordinary birds but I did have some waterfowl on the reservoir including a couple each of Horned and Red-necked Grebe, a few Common Loons and a few other species. There was some movement of raptors with several Red tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles, Cooper's Hawk and an Osprey. Passerine flocks seemed to be almost absent until I found a nice flock feeding in dense undergrowth, grape vines and various fruiting plants near the entrance to Quabbin Park. This small area contained 20+ Ruby-crowned Kinglets, five species of warbler,a Blue-headed Vireo, several Hermit Thrush's, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and several other species. The kinlgets seem to be everywhere with over a dozen in a couple small apple trees at the same time. Covey WMA was relatively quiet with the only oddity being a Northern Bobwhite that somehow had escaped the hunters over the past few days.
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