Black throated Green Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Northern Parula, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Black throated Green Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Philadelphia Vireo, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Philadelphia Vireo, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Philadelphia Vireo, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Black throated Green Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Yellow Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Tennessee Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Northern Parula, Sylvan Woods, UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Wilson's Snipe, Sylvan fields, UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Wilson's Snipe, Sylvan fields, UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Wilson's Warbler, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
American Redstart, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
Scarlet Tanager, Orchard Hill UMASS Amherst, Sep 17, 2013 |
After about an hour and a half of listening to flight calls and watching birds pass in front of the moon last night I was rewarded with a new species for my county year list when I heard two distinct Gray cheeked Thrushes passing by overhead around 9:30. The Gray cheeked Thrush last evening became species
#225 but it turns out I didn't really need to stay out last night listening as I got to actually see one first thing this morning at Orchard Hill. Oh well...still fun listening to the birds migrating overhead last night. I have some links to videos of birds passing in front of the moon at the end of this posting.
This morning I started off at Orchard Hill and met up with a few others and we managed to find some decent birds there once it warmed up a little from a cool 39 degree start. We spent about two hours at Orchard Hill and then went over to Sylvan woods and fields before they all had to go class. I then spent another hour on Orchard Hill and added several new species for the day including Yellow Warbler, Lincoln's Sparrow and a couple Philadelphia Vireos. We managed to find about 15 species of warblers with highlights including Cape May, Tennessee (2) and Wilson's Warblers. We also had a Traill's Flycatcher plus I had a Least Flycatcher later in the morning. I managed Swainson's Thrush, Wood Thrush and Hermit Thrush plus the Gray cheeked Thrush with all seen or heard first thing in the morning. Other notable birds included a Brown Thrasher, lots of Northern Flickers, a bird that defied identification that may have been a marsh wren, a few White throated Sparrows, 3 Scarlet Tanagers and a Baltimore Oriole on the hill plus a couple Wilson's Snipe and Killdeer at Sylvan.
Broad winged Hawk kettle, Jabish Canal, Belchertown, MA, Sep 17, 2013 (iPhone photo through binoculars) |
Once I got home I picked up Wilson and we went for a long walk along Jabish Canal where we added more birds for the day including some warblers we had not yet seen for the day including Pine and Yellow rumped Warblers. We also had a single large kettle of Broad winged Hawks move through around 11:30 but otherwise it was quiet for hawks.
At home this afternoon I had even more warblers move through including another Cape May Warbler which became just the third one I have ever seen in the yard (two this fall!). I also added Blackburian Warbler which became warbler species number 17 for the day. Below are links to videos on my Flickr page of birds passing by the moon last night.
Link to a full minute video from last last night showing several birds passing the moon:
Link to short video clip of two birds passing the moon plus flight calls:
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