White throated Sparrow, UMASS Amherst, Sep 9, 2013 |
White throated Sparrow, UMASS Amherst, Sep 9, 2013 |
Bobolink, UMASS Amherst, Sep 9, 2013 |
Cooper's Hawk, UMASS Amherst, Sep 9, 2013 |
Dawn at Orchard Hill, Sep 9, 2013 |
Despite a lot of promise given the action on the radar overnight and the
flight calls I heard, the morning was actually quite quiet. I listened a bit
predawn at home and heard a few Veerys and a Swainson's Thrush plus several
unidentified zeep calls plus a Barred Owl that started calling around 5am. I
then headed over to Orchard Hill to meet up with Ian, Keenan and Ben. Arriving
before dawn I had a few birds calling flying overhead including a Green Heron
and a Solitary Sandpiper as well as several Wood Thrushes bubbling from the
woods. Certainly another cool morning with temperatures in the low 40's but
clear so it warmed up nicely with the sun. Once the sun started hitting the
trees the activity started picking up a bit with a couple Tennessee Warblers and
a Philadelphia Vireo. As we made our way over to check an active section all
the birds seemed to disappear and after a few minutes it became apparent
why. A Sharpshinned Hawk came buzzing through and nearly got a Red bellied
Woodpecker. With the activity brought to an early end on the hill itself we
walked around other parts of Orchard Hill (which were also quiet but did produce
a Lincoln's Sparrow) before hitting the hill again in the hopes that the birds
came back. No luck on the second trip as a Cooper's Hawk had joined the
Sharpshinned Hawk in staking out the hill. The only notable bird was one that
got away as a small grayish wren darted out of the grass and into a tangle never
to be seen again...likely a Sedge or Marsh Wren...oh well! We decided to cut
our losses on the hill and head over to the Sylvan woods and fields. We hit a
little pocket of birds in the woods but didn't find anything too unusual (we did add a
sapsucker which made for six woodpecker species for the morning). The field that
has been converted to a small scale farming operation looks primed to produce
some good stuff and we had some luck there this morning. We had several
Killdeer in a small plowed field plus a flyby American Golden Plover. The weedy
fields and nearby edges produced a few Bobolinks, several sparrows including an
early White throated Sparrow plus a Yellow Warbler, a flyby Bay breasted Warbler
and an unidentified empid that worked the edge silently.
I didn't have
time to hit other areas so I headed home to pick up Wilson and go on a few walks
including the Jabish Canal where we ran across a mixed species flock which
contained several warbler species including my first Blackpoll Warbler of the fall. I
had a brief look at another interesting warbler that may have been a Connecticut
but it was silent and I only had a brief view of a yellow bird as it disappeared
into the ferns. We also had a calling Broad winged Hawk flying around the
The weather over the next several days features southerly winds through the end of Thursday with a slight chance of rain showers tomorrow night and a better chance of rain Wednesday night into very early Friday with the heaviest overnight on Thursday into Friday. If this forecast pans out (a big if several days out) then Friday morning could be good for shorebirds and other migrants. With all the southerly winds there is also a chance of a vagrant being pushed north.
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