Common Loon on nest, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Common Loon, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Common Loon, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Common Loon with leg bands, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Common Loons, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Osprey, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Osprey, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Double crested Cormorant, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
View toward phragmite island, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Today I spent a few hours out on Quabbin assisting DCR staff with an ongoing loon census. I met up with them around 9am at boat area 2 up in New Salem and we headed
south visiting several areas and making it down to boat launch area 3 before
heading back north. Some great views of various birds including at least two
loons on nests and a total of twelve individual Common Loons (most paired).
Other notable birds included at least one (possibly two) Osprey (which is an
unusual species inland in July), three Spotted Sandpipers, a few Killdeer, three
Double crested Cormorants, and at least 150 swallows over the phargmite island
with the vast majority being Tree Swallows with a handful of Barn, Bank and
Northern rough-winged Swallows. Although I hoped to find an unusual gull or a
tern I was only able to find a few Ring billed Gulls. I also got a report that a Forester's Tern was seen in this area in mid June and I will be getting a photo soon to check it out...an unusual bird for the area.
Bald Eagle at nest, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Bald Eagle, Quabbin, July 15, 2013 |
Among the total of five Bald Eagles seen this morning were two juveniles hanging
around a new Bald Eagle nest that we ran across on one of the islands on the
reservoir. We found the previously unknown nest and it appears that at least
two birds have recently fledged from it. Overall a great day to be out on
the water despite the warm temperatures.
Indigo Bunting, Prescott Peninsula, July 15, 2013 |
Wild Turkey, Prescott Peninsula, July 15, 2013 |
I spent a couple of hours this morning checking out a few spots on Prescott Peninsula
before meeting up for the loon survey. Prescott was active again and I ran across
at least three Red Crossbills (two together and a single). I was not able to
get a recording of them this morning but the birds were all in the same area as
I had a couple of Type 1's a week ago and I suspect they are the same type
today. Yet again lots of birds around with lots of evidence of breeding.
Wilson and a Painted Turtle, Belchertown Land Trust trail, Belchertown, MA, July 15, 2013 |
By the time I got home a bit after midday the temperature already topped 90 and
continued to climb a bit more. Wilson and I took a walk along the land trust
trail were we had 25+ species but nothing unusual. Wilson had a close encounter
with a Painted Turtle and he didn't know what to make of a creature that can
make its arms, legs and head disappear.
The next several days should
feature temperatures above 90 with high humidity as we enter our fourth heat
wave of the season. This one will likely last through Friday, making a six day
heat wave.
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