Eastern Phoebe, UMASS Amherst, MA, Apr 28, 2013 |
Orchard Oriole, Wentworth Farm CA, Amherst, MA, Apr 28, 2013 |
Although today did not turn out to be "the day" of a big influx of
migrants it nonetheless had some great highlights and added a number of species
to my list for the year. I'll note the highlights of the day but I'm just too tired
to go into great detail. I started out predawn at Covey WMA where I had a
Eastern Whip-poor-will calling as well as Barred and Great Horned Owl. I tried
for bittern here again but no luck. There were several Virginia Rails
calling in various parts of the marsh. I next headed to a small marsh on rt 181 but, again no bittern. Same
story when I went to the marsh near Gate 9 (more Virginia Rails but no
bittern). I then headed over to UMASS starting at Orchard Hill where I joined a
few other birders. The variety continues to increase with each passing day here and
I added Gray Catbird (#150) , Nashville Warbler (#151), Warbling Vireo (#152),
Black throated Blue Warbler (#153) and eventually Wood Thrush (#154). At this
point we heard about a very unusual Mountain Bluebird found in Berkshire
County. Everyone else headed up that way where they did indeed catch up with
this species of the west. I stayed at UMASS and hit other parts of e campus
where I added another new species to my year county list with a Northern Parula
(#155). After UMASS I headed over to Wentworth Conservation Area before meeting
up with Wilson and heading to Sunderland for a long walk off Middle Mountain
Rd. Although not in Hampshire County ( the horror!) the area was quite nice and
birdy with a nice show of Black throated Green Warblers and a point blank view
of a Louisiana Waterthrush. On my way back home took another little walk around
Wentworth Farm and turned up an Orchard Oriole (#156). I managed to add seven
species to my county list for the year today.
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