Black Scoters, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Dawn at Gate 5 looking toward Quabbin Tower, Oct 25, 2012 |
Black Scoter flock (distant in morning light), Quabbin Gate 5, 2012 |
Another morning I wish I had more time to
spend at Quabbin. I headed down to the
water at Gate 5 arriving just as dawn was breaking. I could hear a large number of gulls and some
ducks but could not see them until the light increased a bit. I counted a total of 528 gulls, all of which
appeared to be Ring billed Gulls.
Scanning of water started turning up waterfowl right away and I ended up
with the following before I had to leave for work: one White winged Scoter (with group of Black
Scoters), 75 Black Scoter (in groups of 47 and 28), two Hooded Mergansers, four
Common Merganser, two Wood Ducks, six Black Ducks, 18 Mallard, five Common
Loon, four Horned Grebe, a Double crested Cormorant, and 31 Canada Geese plus a
few others that were too far out to ID. I also had an Eastern Screech Owl
calling right at dawn along the shore plus a Ruffed Grouse that flush from
further up the shore and come flying in from the water right past me. Also a number of Pine Siskins moving past and
a Winter Wren right along the shore. The
sunrise was once again impressive and worth the effort of walking down to the
water all by itself.
Black Scoters, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Black Scoters, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Surf Scoters, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Evening view from Winsor Dam, Oct 25, 2012 |
Common Loons, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Video of Black Scoter flock, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012
Black Scoters, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
Black Scoters (w/ Long tailed Duck-4th from left), Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Oct 25, 2012 |
I also stopped at Winsor Dam on my way home and my reward was a very impressive waterfowl show that included 232 Black Scoters in a single flock, nine Surf Scoters (species #217 for my county year list), a White winged Scoter (w/ Black Scoters), a Long tailed Duck, three Green Winged Teal, 10 Common Loons, a Horned Grebe and 22 Mallards. All of these were on a nearly calm surface of Quabbin and allowed for some great views.
Your Stats |
| Life | Year | Month | |
Total Species | 700 | 357 | 123 | |
Total Checklists | 10000 | 2050 | 139 | |
ABA Area Total Ticks | 1914 | 562 | 123 | |
In addition today I reached a milestone with eBird as I entered by 10,000th list (the list was from my stop at Winsor Dam on the way home...nice to reach the milestone with a great list!). As I have been using eBird over the last several years I have watched it grow and have been impressed with the managers of eBird as they have made it more user friendly and interactive. I have used it to enter data from seven countries and twenty two states. I would like once again to encourage anyone and everyone who is out birding to enter their data to eBird, even if you only go out occasionally. It is a great way to add your sightings to a scientific database as well as allow you to easily keep track of your own sightings. The amount of data available to peruse is staggering as more and more people find and use eBird. It is easier than ever now that apps are available to allow data to be uploaded real time through a variety of mobile devices.
Predicted track of Hurricane Sandy as of 5pm, Oct 25, 2012 |
Yet another update on Hurricane Sandy and its potential
impact on the local area. The likelihood
of a major impact has increased substantially and now seems much more
likely. With each new forecast the
projected path becomes more certain that it will have a direct impact on the
northeast. Many of the specifics cannot
be determined at this point as the storm is still days away but heavy rain and
wind seems quite likely. The storm
strengthened considerably to a strong category 2 storm as it hit Cuba. It continues to move north and is forecast to
continue north along the eastern seaboard before potentially making landfall
somewhere in the northeast or mid Atlantic. In addition to the storm there is a second weather event taking place that may impact the appearance of vagrant birds. There is a strong southerly wind flow moving toward the east that could easily displace birds from the south to the north and east.
Hurricane Sandy: 25 October 8PM Update
October 26, 2012
Hurricane Sandy is forecast to make landfall along the central New Jersey
coast some time during the morning of Tuesday 30 October. This storm is not
forecast to maintain consistent, hurricane force winds, but may have intense
gusts, will have heavy rain, and may bring large storm surges. The low intensity
and track of the system suggest that it will produce a large displacement of
near shore and coastal species, such as several species of more common local
tubenoses, Brown Pelican, Sandwich and Royal Terns, Laughing Gull, jaegers, and
both phalaropes. This is in distinct contrast to stronger hurricanes that may
entrain many aerial species and bring them far inland in large numbers.
Additionally, given its track, some tropical terns will likely appear at the
immediate coast and perhaps inland for 50-100 miles, though numbers of Sooty and
Bridled Terns will likely be lower than typical earlier season storms. Birders
may expect a lower Sooty to Bridled Tern ratio than stronger storms, similar in
magnitude to what occurred during Irene in 2011. Although entrained species may
be limited in number, there is potential for Pterodromasto occur along
the coast and on inland bodies of water. Black-capped Petrel may be most likely,
but Herald and Fea’s Petrel are in the realm of possible. Additionally, Leach’s
Storm-Petrel (among Wilson’s and possibly some Band-rumped Storm-Petrels) could
occur inland. Magnificent Frigatebird will presumably be one of the species
driven in this system as well, so watching coastlines, ridgelines, river
valleys, and inland bodies of water during and for days after the storm is
worthwhile. Coastal areas from Barnegat Light north and east along the coast to
the south shore of Long Island should experience at the least the displacement
of near shore and coastal species. Sandy Hook may be a particularly good
location for observation, given its proximity to the storm’s projected landfall
and the swath of easterly winds that will likely impact the Hook. Points
immediately inland along the track of the eye, as it moves over land, and to the
immediate east of the eye, traditionally have the highest likelihood for finding
odd, entrained species. Birder should pay close attention to the Delaware River
as soon as the eye passes over it, as birds will use this as a conduit to return
to the ocean. Similarly, Delaware Bay observation points should be checked for
seabirds and other species returning from farther inland. Inland reservoirs in
western NJ and northeastern Pennsylvania could be magnets for storm-driven
birds, and should be checked as the storm passes and in the hours shortly after
passage. By the morning following the storm, most individuals not exhausted or
injured driven by the storm may have departed the area; if you want to see
something wild, you had better place yourself accordingly during and just after
the passage of the eye. Above all, when birding before, during, and after the
passage of a storm like this, exercise extreme caution.
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