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Sooty Tern, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Aug 28, 2011 |
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Sooty Tern, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Aug 28, 2011 |
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Sooty Tern, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Aug 28, 2011 |
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Sooty Tern, Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park, Aug 28, 2011 |
The Massachusetts Avian Records Committee annual report was recently published and I will review several of the records that pertain to western Massachusetts including several reports that I submitted. I submitted a total of five reports this season including a Red Phalarope, Sooty Tern, Parasitic Jaeger, White-tailed Tropicbird and a large swift species. The Sooty Tern and White-tailed tropicbird were both reviewed and accepted. The other submissions have not yet been reviewed. http://www.maavianrecords.com/home/annual-reports/report-16
The Red Phalarope was submitted as it is an unusual bird inland. The bird was originally discovered in the morning while I was at the boat cove near the spillway at Quabbin Park and I noticed a bird flying toward me. I got the scope on the bird and watched it circle around the small cove and then fly out to the east over the trees. I thought the bird had left the area heading back toward the ocean. Phalarope close to shore at the administration building at Quabbin Park. I immediately headed over and had the bird very close to shore and was able to obtain several photos. The bird was in the same plumage seen earlier but I cannot say for certain it was the same bird. There may have indeed been two individuals of this species at Quabbin that day.
The next three reports I submitted all came from a vigil at
Winsor Dam during Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene covered in an earlier post
here: http://quabbinbirdingandbeyond.blogspot.com/2011/08/amazing-hurricane-birds.html
I, along with Marshall Iliff, Scott Surner and eventually
several others, spent several hours here successfully waiting for storm blown
birds to show up. A great overview of
the days sightings can be found in Marshall eBird list:http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S8749439
The birds I submitted for that day included a Parasitic
Jaeger (there may have been two), a Sooty Tern (photographed) and a
White-tailed Tropicbird that I spotted as it dropped into the reservoir over
the hills of Quabbin Park. Any one of
these birds would have been spectacular in their own right but taken together
(along with several other great birds) led to one of my best and most memorable
days of birding I have ever had. The Sooty
Tern was one of only a handful of records for the county and the White tailed
Tropicbird was a first county record and the only accepted record of a live
bird inland in New England (there was a report that was not submitted on
another tropicbird in Pittsfield on the same day).
A well put together overview of all the birds associated
with Irene can be found at the following link: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/news/hurricane-irene-redux
My final submission was of a large swift species I saw at Covey WMA on September 1, 2011 in the days following the passage of Irene. I’m not sure when this report will be reviewed but it will be interesting to see what conclusions the committee comes to on this sighting.
I have written about this sighting in detail on previous occasions, links below:
Beyond the reports I submitted the following six records from
western Massachusetts were accepted by MARC in the latest report.
1. A Pink footed Goose (Turner's
Falls, from October 26-28, 2011). This
bird was the 4th state record and the first for western
Massachusetts. I tried to catch up with
this bird but it had left by the time I made the trip up there.2 and 3. A couple of Cackling Geese were accepted during this report. While this species was taken off the review list in 2011, records before that date are still reviewed. Both individuals were found at Turners Falls. James P. Smith found and photographed different singles there November 5, 2010 and November 19-24, 2010.
4. A Slaty-backed Gull found in Turner’s Falls between February 20-27, 2009
was reviewed in this report. A second-cycle bird was found by James Smith and seen by many, including myself,
over its week long stay.
5. An old report of a
Boreal Owl (from 1903) was reviewed and accepted. One was collected by P. Marshall at New
Salem, Franklin, January 1, 1903.
6. A Black-headed Grosbeak at a feeder in Easthampton between November 17-December 3, 2010 was also
accepted. This bird was originally found
by Nancy Steeper and reported to eBird.
As most records of Black-headed Grosbeaks in Massachusetts and the east
have appeared at feeders in winter it pays to check your feeders often.
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