I spent another evening checking out central Quabbin for various birds. The main focus of this trip on the 21st was to try and re find a Chuck-Will-Widow seen by James Smith in early May. I had no luck finding the bird so it has either moved on or is staying silent. I also had no luck with Whip-Poor-Will's in this area either. However the more southern areas here do contain a nice group of Whip-Poor-Will's with a total of approximately a dozen see/heard on two previous trips this season.

Prairie Warbler, Quabbin Park, May22,2010

After a several year absence I finally found a singing Cerulean Warbler at Quabbin Park. After a long time trying to find the bird I finally got some fairly decent views. They use to breed in the area I found this one this morning. Perhaps this one will be able to attract a mate and reestablish these warblers as breeders back at this location. Sorry for the low quality shot but he just would not come down very low at all. Beyond the Cerulean there were a nice selection of birds around with some showing quite nicely. The Black-billed Cuckoo has been in the same area for almost two weeks now.
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