Connecticut Warbler, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 18, 2015 |
Connecticut Warbler, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 18, 2015 |
Connecticut Warbler, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 18, 2015 |
Savannah Sparrow, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 18, 2015 |
Vesper Sparrow, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 18, 2015 |
Merlin, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2015 |
Northern Harrier, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2015 |
Scarlet Tanager, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2015 |
Yellow Warbler, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2015 |
Palm Warbler (western), Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2015 |
The last couple days have featured very similar weather conditions
with foggy cool mornings that turn into sunny and warm days in the
80's. Thursday morning was very foggy and it did not burn off until after 10
AM. Luckily this morning it burned off a little earlier which makes finding
stuff much easier. On Thursday I headed over to Arcadia and stayed there
through late morning figuring the fog would lift at any moment. Despite the fog
I still had some good stuff around.
Today I headed back
over toward the river (with a brief detour to Winsor Dam to try to turn up a
whip poor will but had no luck). I spent most of my time at the Honey Pot and
had some really good stuff including another flyby Dickcissel which was flushed
up by a Cooper's Hawk and was last seen heading to the southwest from the area
of the dike. I also had some great looks at a Connecticut Warbler which I found
at the edge of a corn field. I was not expecting to find this species there but
it popped up and showed well and I managed to get a few decent photos (decent
for this usually tough to photograph species). Mike L. was driving by right after I great looks of the bird but our efforts to make it pop back into view for Mike were unsuccessful. No luck finding the Grasshopper
Sparrow again but I did have a total of seven species of sparrows including seven
Lincoln's, a few Field and a Vesper Sparrow among the other more typical
species. I also made a stop over to Arcadia to try my luck again at finding the
American Coot there or the Lesser Black backed Gull but I came up empty. A brief stop at
Lower Mill Pond turned up a continued Great Egret as well as a few shorebirds
(one each of Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper). Overall a nice
when to end my vacation week.
Honey Pot:
Lower Mill Pond:
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