Northern Parula, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Northern Parula, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Prairie Warbler, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Prairie Warbler, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Black and White Warbler, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Red necked Grebe, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Bonaparte's Gulls, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Northern Parula, Quabbin Park, May 7, 2014 |
Rusty Blackbirds, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, May 7, 2014 |
Another sunny but cool morning (near freezing) found me out and
about trying to catch up with more new arrivals. The conditions last night were
not great for bringing in the next pulse of migrants but I still had a great
morning. Tomorrow morning and/or Friday morning could be very good (more on
that later). I started my morning at Lake Wallace and the best birds were a
group of at least eight Rusty Blackbirds. Lots of other stuff around and I have
included the entire eBird list below for both Lake Wallace and my other stops. I then headed over to Winsor Dam where
I had highlights of five Bonaparte's Gulls (unusual here, especially without any
rain forcing them down) plus a late Red necked Grebe. I then headed into Quabbin
Park itself and spent the next few hours there finding more birds and ticks. Certainly more migrants around
then on my last trip there but tough to say when they arrived as it has been a few days since I was last there. The most obvious
warblers included Northern Parula (had four in one binocular view), Black and
White Warbler, Ovenbird and Black throated Green Warbler. A total of 16 species
of warbler within Quabbin Park and a total of 18 species of warbler seen over
the course of the day. I did manage to add one more species to my county list
for the year...Red eyed Vireo
(#181). Just before I left Quabbin Park I got a
call from Scott S. telling me he was able to get the Bonaparte's Gulls and Red
necked Grebe but he also had a group of eleven Mute Swans at the dam. I have
only seen Mute Swans a few times at Quabbin so I headed over there but they were
gone before I got there...hopefully this invasive stays away. I then came home,
got Wilson and we headed over to Covey WMA to go for a long walk.
mentioned above tomorrow and/or Friday morning could be good mornings to be out
as the winds are forecast to go light tonight and then turn to the
south/southwest for a few days. This should send us a big influx of migrants
and hopefully a few oddities. Now to just be in e right place at the right time
to see them.
Lake Wallace
Winsor Dam
Quabbin Park
Covey WMA
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