Northern Parula, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Nashville Warbler, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Palm Warbler 'western', Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Lincoln's Sparrow, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Savannah Sparrow, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Northern Flicker in flight, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Another amazing morning with lots of birds around with some in
impressive numbers. My plan for the day was to start at daybreak at Arcadia and
then head up to Mt Tom for a couple hours for hawks. I had such a good morning
at Arcadia I stayed longer than originally planned so I never made it up the
mountain. It was probably not a great hawk day with the haze early and blue sky
with no clouds and not optimal winds....that is what I'm telling myself
Arcadia was very productive with loads of Palm Warblers
(40+...with at least three Yellow Palms), two Dickcissels, a White crowned
Sparrow, at least seven Lincoln's Sparrow and lots of Savannah and Song
Sparrows. There were also just loads of Northern Flickers too. A few mixed
species flocks around too. Also had a buck White-tailed Deer come out of a hedgerow not more than 15 feet from me, I got a quick blurry photo before it disappeared with a huff. The highlights are many and nothing tells the story quite like the full list. Here is the complete eBird list:
The whole area looks great for sparrow over
the coming month...I'm sure some oddities will appear there.
More photos from this morning are located below and even more can be found on my Flickr site at:
American Kestrel in flight, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
American Kestrel with Northern Flickers, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Song Sparrow, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Indigo Bunting, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
Bobolink, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
White tailed Deer very close, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
White crowned Sparrow, Arcadia meadows, Northampton, MA, Sep 17, 2012 |
After exchanging e-mails with Ian Davies during the morning it appeared that it was a great day up at Orchard Hill again. The number and variety of warblers (and other species) there was quite impressive. I decided to change my plans and ditch the hawk watch and concentrate on passerines today. I headed for home to pick up Wilson and get some time in at a couple locations. We walked a few miles over the course of two hours around midday and the best bird by far was a Yellow bellied Flycatcher
(#205). I had missed this species up until now. Ian also had one at Orchard Hill this morning so at least a few individuals of this species are still moving through. One other oddity seen and heard on the Belchertown land trust trail was a couple of Common Loons flying over and calling back and forth...never had that species at this location before.
I also did a bit of nocturnal flight call listening around 5 this morning and had a couple Swainson's Thrush as well as a few warbler call. In addition I had a Great Horned Owl calling. I was trying to find a Grey cheeked Thrush by flight call but I didn't have any luck.
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