I spent an hour this morning checking out a few spots at Quabbin park. Some groups of warblers around but tough to get good looks at as the breeze kept the trees really moving. I then went to Goats Peak at Mt Tom and had some good raptors. Not the big broad wing day I was lokking for but still managed over 300 Broad wings and a smattering of other stuff such as merlin, kestrel, peregrine, osprey, harrier, goshawk, coopers and sharp shinned. Also a group of six ravens and 25 Chimney Swifts. Many of the broad wings passed over quite high in small groups. Maybe tomorrow will be the 'big day'? Another interesting sighting was a juvenile Cedar Waxwing that came in and landed on the tower within arms reach and stayed for a couple minutes. He called a few times and kept looking around. I think he was expecting to get fed! Eventually he took off for parts unknown.
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