Common Goldeneyes, Connecticut River, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2015 |
With the southerly winds overnight into today I expected to see a nice influx of early migrants (waterfowl and others) and I was not disappointed. I started off predawn at Sweet Alice Conservation Area in Amherst and quickly had 3 American Woodcocks peenting away. I then headed over to the Connecticut River south of the Coolidge Bridge and had a total of 2 Cackling Geese, 904 Canada Geese (a reduction by over 2/3 from yesterday morning), 49 Wood Ducks, 21 Black Ducks, 231 Mallards, 10 Green winged Teal, 32 Ring necked Ducks plus a few each of Hooded and Common Mergansers. I noticed the crew boats heading out so I decided to try to check a few other spots before they scared everything away.
Ring necked Ducks, North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
Black Ducks, North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
Lesser Scaup, North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
Lesser Scaup (with crew boats bearing down on them), North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
American Wigeon and a Green winged Teal, North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
Tree Swallows, North Lane, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
I then went over to North Lane with the intention of making a quick stop before the crew boats arrived but once I got there the action was too much to walk away from so I stayed there for over an hour and a half. I was loads of fun watching tons of birds moving past...some real migration in action! Highlights included 3920 Canada Geese, 28 Wood Ducks, 7 American Wigeon, 48 Black Ducks, 124 Mallards, 5 Northern Pintails, 18 Green winged Teal, 94 Ring necked Ducks, 6 Lesser Scaup, 8 Bufflehead, 12 Common Goldeneyes, 23 Hooded Mergansers, 24 Common Mergansers, a Northern Rough winged Swallow, a couple Eastern Phoebes, 132 Tree Swallows and 720+ American Robins.
Common Mergansers and Ring necked Ducks, Lake Warner, Hadley, MA, Apr 3, 2014 |
I then continued north checking fields and other spots along the way and managed to find the following highlights:
Lake Warner - 2 Mute Swans, 4 Wood Ducks, half a dozen Ring necked Ducks and 14 Common Mergansers plus a few Tree Swallows and another phoebe.
Connecticut River (off Huntington rd in Hadley)- 390 Canada Geese, 17 Wood Ducks, 41 Ring necked Ducks, a Bufflehead, 7 Common Goldeneye
Meadow St Fields, Hadley/Amherst- 450+ Canada Geese, 8 Killdeer, 4 Wilson's Snipe
Many other stops produced small groups of geese and mixed blackbird flocks. A total of 61 species for the day...spring is certainly here now. A total of 15 species of waterfowl today (best day so far this season) and 17 waterfowl species this month so far. I also added my first warbler of the season at home when I had a Pine Warbler show up.
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