Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My 10,000th eBird list in Mass

Today marked another eBird milestone for me when I entered my 10,000th list for Massachusetts this morning at Quabbin Gate 5.  The vast majority of these lists come from western Massachusetts with a handful from elsewhere in the state.  I have seen a total of 308 species in the state so far (I could add many if I visited the coast more but that is not too likely to happen!).  My 10,000th state list at gate 5 had a nice selection of birds in the half hour I was there with species such as Black billed Cuckoo (maybe two), eleven species of warbler including a Prairie Warbler and other resident birds.
I have posted many times about eBird and the advantages of using it to not only keep track of your records but to add to the scientific knowledge regarding bird abundance, migration and activities of birds around the world (or just in your back yard).  Although not everyone has to be as obsessive about it as I am I would urge anyone that birds to use eBird.  It makes you pay attention to a greater degree in coming up with accurate numbers of individual species and makes you really look at unusual species closer as you will likely be questioned on the ID (just to confirm that what you entered is what you really saw and to maintain scientific quality in the data).  If you are not using it yet just hit this link to get started: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/

Tomorrow morning could prove interesting with south winds continuing overnight and showers and storms moving in late night into the morning.  The conditions are right for terns and/or shorebirds to be forced down by the weather.  Keep your eyes out at any body of water or fields for something noteworthy…I know I will be looking.