Spotted Sandpiper, Arcadia, May 21, 2013 |
Killdeer, Arcadia, May 21, 2013 |
Spotted Sandpiper and Killdeer, Arcadia, May 21, 2013 |
The morning started off warm and muggy and once the low
clouds and fog burned off it became hazy with a summer like feel with a high around 90. With just a little time before work I decided
to try my luck at Arcadia checking out the marsh area in the hopes of finding something
odd (a Sandhill Crane and a pair of Northern Shovelers had been present there
several days ago). The mosquitoes were
bad but not quite horrible yet....perhaps a 5 or 6 on the 'mosquito annoyance scale'. A scan
of the marsh revealed several each of Wood Duck and Mallard but nothing else
for waterfowl. There were a handful of
sandpipers including a few Least Sandpipers, four (or more) Spotted Sandpipers
and a couple Killdeer. The nearby oxbow
held at least ten Double crested Cormorants.
Although the radar last night showed some good movement I didn’t have
the time to search too much for new arrivals but I did hear at least one
Blackpoll Warbler calling as I headed out.
The best bird of the day came when I was at work and had no
binoculars or camera. I was at Smith
College and heard an unusual bird along a large hedgerow near the Mill
River. After a bit of effort I was able to see naked eye a
Mourning Warbler working its way through the underbrush and singing. Not what I was expecting to find today! This became species #203 for the county this
This evening he had some thunderstorms and the next few days feature more of the same with warm weather and the chance of storms. Not likely there will be much of an influx the next couple of nights.
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