Greater Yellowlegs, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Greater Yellowlegs, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Greater Yellowlegs, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Greater Yellowlegs, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Common Merganser flock, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Horned Grebes, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Red necked Grebe, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Red necked Grebe, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Red breasted Merganser, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Dawn at Enfield Lookout, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
Bufflehead, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012 |
I spent the morning at Quabbin Park in the hopes of catching
up with something unusual brought in with the strong northerly winds associated
with a nor’easter that moved through during the end of the week. Although I didn’t find anything super unusual
I did manage to find some good birds nonetheless. The non waterfowl highlights included three rather late Greater Yellowlegs (two at gate 52 and at least one at Winsor Dam), 20 White winged Crossbills (various spots), 14 Red Crossbills (which included six Type 10 and two Type 2 and the others of unknown type), my first American Tree Sparrows (3), an Evening Grosbeak and Pine Siskins. Waterfowl included 20 Horned Grebes, a Red necked Grebe, six Common Loons, one, Black Scoter, all three Merganser species (Hooded-3, Common-22, Red breasted-1), six Bufflehead, six Black Ducks, Mallards and a few Canada Geese. There was a large group of gulls milling around at first light but besides a couple Herring Gulls all appeared to be Ring billed Gulls but some were quite distant. I was not able to pull out anything unusual from the bunch.
River Otters, Quabbin Park, Nov 10, 2012
A few interesting non bird sightings as well including an Eastern Coyote swimming across the reservoir to Prescott Peninsula and four River Otters at the Route 9 marsh.
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