Route 9 marsh, Quabbin Park, MA, August 6, 2012 |
Yesterday I tried to catch back up with the Red Crossbills I found Sunday at Quabbin Park but I did not have any luck. There is a lot of good habitat here and the birds certainly can wander a bit so I would guess they are still around. I spent most of my time around the route 9 marsh and the road between route 9 and Goodnough Dike and then up to Hank's Meadow. I did have a Yellow-billed Cuckoo near Hank's Meadow (only the second one I have seen all year in western Massachusetts).
Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, August 6, 2012 |
Killdeer (1 of 38 present), old state school socceer fields, Belchertown, MA, August 6, 2012 |
Great Blue heron landing on foggy morning, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, August 6, 2012 |
Mallard with ducklings, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, August 6, 2012 |
Double crested Cormorant, Covey WMA, August 6, 2012 |
In addition to my trip to Quabbin Park I also visited Lake Wallace, Covey WMA and the Belchertown Land Trust trail. The number of Wood Ducks, Mallards and various waders continue to be impressive at Lake Wallace. The nearby soccer fields near the old state school had at least 38 Killdeer on them. Covey WMA was fairly quiet later in the morning with the only unusual sighting being a Double-crested Cormorant fishing in a very small pond near the main road. The best bird along the land trust trail was a Solitary Sandpiper in a small marsh.
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