Sunset at Winsor Dam, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2012 |
As June comes to an end we are in the middle of yet another heat wave with temperatures Friday nearing 95 and reaching 90 on Saturday. Thankfully it is not nearly as humid as the last heat wave so it is tolerable to be outside.
Eastern Whip-poor-will calling, Covey WMA, Belchertown, MA, June 30, 2012
At dusk I spent some time around Winsor Dam at Quabbin Park looking to see if I could find any Eastern Whip-poor-wills calling. I have not tried for them here for a few weeks so I was not sure they would still be around and calling. At 8:50 one started calling and was joined by a second. I then headed to the second entrance to Quabbin Park and had another one there. My next stop was at Covey WMA where I added two more including a fairly good look at one as it flew past me.
Hooded Warbler, Quabbin, July 1, 2012 |
Hooded Warbler, Quabbin, July 1, 2012 |
Broad-winged Hawk, Quabbin Gate 12, July 1, 2012 |
Red Admiral, Quabbin Gate 12, July 1, 2012 |
On Sunday I decided to try again for the Hooded Warbler on the west side of Quabbin. After an absense of a few weeks the male was back singing in the same spot he had been in all spring this year as well as last year. Although difficult to get a good view of I did manage a few marginal photos. There was still no sign of suceeful nesting but I certainly hope he was successful this year. I made a few other stops along the west side of Quabbin with several good looks at various nesting species including a vocal Broad-winged Hawk at gate 12. By late morning the temperature was well into the 80's so I decided to head in and getb out of the heat
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