I spent the morning at UMASS along with Ian Davies checking out various areas around campus including Orchard Hill, the campus pond and the area near the heating plant. The morning started out at a frosty 28 degrees. Once the sun rose the temperature came up a bit but the air certainly had a fall feel to it. There were a number of robins coming out of roost in the morning with a total well over 200. Other notable birds of the morning included a few Fox Sparrows, two Field Sparrows, several Chipping Sparrows as well as 170+ Junco's, plus a Hermit Thrush and several Yellow-rumped Warblers. The highlight of the day was a Dickcissel that popped into view for several seconds and then dropped down not to be seen again. Another potential highlight was a small goose that flew by with a group of Canada Geese that appeared to be a Cackling Goose. The small size, small bill, small head and narrow wings point toward this ID. Any thoughts from anyone?

possible Cackling Goose with Canada Geese, over UMASS, November 1, 2010

possible Cackling Goose with Canada Geese, over UMASS, November 1, 2010
Sounds like a very productive morning,Larry. I have yet to see a Fox Sparrow and am always interested where people find them but even if I go there they never show up for me. Nice pics of the Dickcissel, would also be a lifer for me.