My continued report from my recent trip to Arizona. I will add in a few more photos from my second day at the Grand Canyon. The weather was once again cool and a bit breezy but the scenery remained spectacular. There were many flocks of Western Bluebirds around as well as a few flocks of Red Crossbills. Then only warbler of the day was a 'Audubon' type Yellow-rumped Warbler that defied my efforts to get a great shot of it. I was finally able to find a very cooperative Mountain Chickadee that stayed still just long enough to get a few good shots. I yet again tried to find a California Condor but had no luck. It was however another great day in a truly unique location.
I really like the shot of the Western Bluebird. I would clone out the twig coming into the frame on the left side - then it would be perfect.