Saturday, May 8, 2021

Global Big Day

Prairie Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
Yellow bellied Sapsucker, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
American Redstart, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
Veery, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
Eastern Towhee, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
American Robin building nest, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021
Cerulean Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 8, 2021

Today was the annual eBird Global Big Day which occurs every year in early May and encourages people around the world to get out and bird and then report their sightings into eBird (last year 50,000 people in 175 countries submitted 120,000+ checklists in a single day).  I took part in it and submitted 17 lists with a total of 102 species.  I didn't make any special effort beyond what I typically do on any day in May when I'm out and about.  I spent most of my morning at Quabbin Park and then briefly hit a few other spots before spending the afternoon at home catching up on yard work.  Quabbin Park was productive as always and I had 93 species within the park (just a little too early to get to a hundred in the park on a morning) with many highlights including continued Red Crossbills, several flyover Purple Finches and 21 species of warbler including a continued Cerulean Warbler.  Even my time at home was productive with 59 species including continued Fish Crows and 13 species of warbler.

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