Pine Grosbeak, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Pine Grosbeak, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Pine Grosbeaks, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Pine Grosbeak, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Common Redpoll, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Common Redpoll, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
Pine Grosbeak, Quabbin Park, Dec 1, 2012 |
The first day of December started out with a winter like feel as the temperature hovered around 25 and snow was falling at daybreak. I headed over to Winsor Dam and immediately found five Pine Grosbeaks still feeding in the crab apple tree there. I scanned the water briefly before the snow picked up and reduced the visibility and found a single Common Loon and a trio of Black Ducks. I then headed into Quabbin Park with a brief stop at the Route 9 marsh. The marsh was mostly frozen over but a handful of Canada Geese occupied the little open water. I also had a flyover Red Crossbill here that to me sounded like a Type 10 but I was unable to get a recording so I'm not certain. In the park I stopped at Hank's Meadow and Goodnough and had half a dozen Horned Grebe, three Common Loons, a dozen Black Ducks, a Mallard and a pair of Hooded Mergansers as well as a single Common Merganser. The landbirds here were few and far between. I then had to head out to run an errand but after that I returned to Winsor Dam and found the count of Pine Grosbeaks had increased to nine, feeding both in the crab apple tree and on the ground. They were joined briefly by a group of five Common Redpolls. I was thinking of heading back through the park again but the roads through were being closed due to the snow so I headed for home instead.
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