Friday, May 18, 2012

Southwest Quabbin

Chestnut-sided Warbler, Gate 12, Quabbin, May 18, 2012

Chestnut-sided Warbler, Gate 12, Quabbin, May 18, 2012

Blue-winged Warbler, Quabbin Park, May 18, 2012

Wood Thrush, Gate 12, Quabbin, May 18, 2012

Chestnut-sided Warbler, Gate 12, Quabbin, May 18, 2012

Hooded Warbler, Quabbin, May 18, 2012
I spent the morning and part of the afternoon around the southern part of Quabbin including Quabbin Park and various gates on the west side.  Although the day started off a little slow and cold (upper 30's) it warmed up nicely and the birds showed well.  The warblers continue to show well.  I added Mourning Warbler this afternoon at Quabbin Park as well as many other species around Quabbin Park and the west side of Quabbin including Hooded, Worm-eating, and Tennessee Warbler among the more common species.  I also had a very cooperative Chestnut-sided warbler that posed nicely for several photos.  More photos from today (and the last several days) at:

At dusk I tried my luck back at Winsor Dam in the hopes of catching something odd coming into roost.  The best bird was a Eastern Whip-Poor-Will that started calling at 8:15.  I added another whip at Quabbin as well as two more at Covey WMA.

I ended the day with 94 species with 22 warbler species included.  The Mourning Warbler was the first one for the year for me and also got added to the Hampshire county list for the year.  That list now stands at 183 with the Mourning Warbler and the Eastern Whip-Poor-Wills added in the evening (working toward my goal of 200...or more).

Also added some new birds for the year at the house including Yellow-throated Vireo and Magnolia Warbler.  Also had a calling Common Nighthawk in mid afternoon.


  1. Love the photos. The Chestnut-sided and Blue winged in full song especially. It's like their really belting it out.

  2. Thanks...the best shots I think I have ever gotten of a Chestnut-sided...he just sang and sang from maybe ten feet away.
