I made a recent trip to the very top of New Hampshire to bird among the boreal forest. I managed to find some really good stuff including two life birds, Spruce Grouse and Bicknell's Thrush. My species total for the trip rounded out at an even 100. It was amazing to be surrounded by the songs and calls of White-throated Sparrow, Winter Wren, Northern Parula, Blackpoll Warbler, Swainson's Thrush, Boreal Chickadee, Olive-sided Flycatcher and many, many others. The many miles of logging roads provided numerous opportunities to explore this truly secluded spot of New England. There were wonderful views of the various species collecting food and bringing it to nests or young unseen. The best spots turned out to be East Inlet Road (several miles off Rt 3) and Mount Magalloway, as well as the numerous small ponds and bogs. In the end there really were no bad spots. Although I missed on Bicknell's at Magalloway, I manged to pick a few up on Mount Washington on the ride home. The views from Magalloway were spectacular, unlike the fog shrouded view from Mount Washington. However the views just below the summit on Washington were good and gave me a nice, brief view of a Bicknell's and a couple flyby American Pipits. Overall another great trip.
The mammal show was also impressive with Moose, White tailed Deer, Red Fox with young, Mink, Beaver, Skunk and others.