Monday, September 16, 2024

More migrants the last several days for the mid part of September


Merlin, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Sep 16, 2024
Swamp Sparrow, Covey WMA, Belchertown, MA, Sep 16, 2024
Sandhill Cranes, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 15, 2024
Yellow throated Vireo, Belchertown, MA, Sep 15, 2024
Black and White Warbler, Belchertown, MA, Sep 15, 2024
American Golden Plover and Killdeer, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 15, 2024
House Finch, Amherst, MA, Sep 14, 2024
Eastern Towhee, Belchertown, MA, Sep 13, 2024
Black throated Green Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Sep 13, 2024
Palm Warbler 'western', Aqua Vitae Rd, Hadley, MA, Sep 12, 2024
Indigo Bunting, Aqua Vitae Rd, Hadley, MA, Sep 12, 2024
Yellow Warblers, Honey Pot, Hadley, MA, Sep 12, 2024

The last several days have featured very pleasant weather with cool mornings and warm afternoons with abundant sunshine.  The winds have also been mainly calm and a decent amount of birds have moved most nights, although many seem to be flying right past.  Nonetheless there are birds around every day and I have added a few species for the month with my total standing at 147 species, which is a bit behind a typical September for me.  My back has still been giving me problems on and off, which has kept me from driving as much but has kept me walking more.  The forecast for the next week seems to feature more of the same weather with just a slight chance of some showers during the period.  Still waiting for another big influx of birds...time will tell when (and if) this will happen.

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