Friday, August 30, 2024

A near record setting August comes to an end

Philadelphia Vireo, UMASS demonstration forest, Belchertown, MA, Aug 30, 2024
Black billed Cuckoo, Reed Conservation Area,  Belchertown, MA, Aug 30, 2024
Chestnut sided Warbler, Quabbin Gate 8, Pelham, MA, Aug 30, 2024
Ovenbird, Reed Conservation Area,  Belchertown, MA, Aug 30, 2024
Black throated Green Warbler, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Aug 29, 2024
Northern Parula, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Aug 29, 2024
Wood Thrush, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Aug 29, 2024
Indigo Bunting, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 29, 2024

August has now about come to an end and I managed to get my second highest species count ever for the month in Hampshire County with 159 species.  My only better August ever was last year with an amazing 166 species!  Although I didn't set an August record for species overall I did have my highest count of warblers ever for the month with 26 species.  The last couple days have felt more like fall with cool temps in the morning that warmed up thanks to ample sunshine.  Today marked the last of three mornings that I guided for Bindhu, a birder visiting the area from India.  With just a few hours on three different mornings we managed to find 94 species and got her quite a few lifers...not too bad at all.  Now comes September and the peak of fall migration and always the chance of a tropical system bringing something rare into the area (this year marks the 13th anniversary of Hurricane Irene hitting the area and I have attached the eBird list from that epic day).

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