Swamp Sparrow, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
House Wren, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Song Sparrow, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Palm Warbler 'western', Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Gray Catbird, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Least Flycatcher, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Scarlet Tanager, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
Eastern Wood Pewee, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
White crowned Sparrow, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Sep 27, 2019 |
After getting out of work this morning I headed over to
Arcadia where I spent the next couple hours scouring a few different areas and turned up 69 species (not bad for late September!). Although it started off cool and a bit foggy the sun quickly burned through and the temperatures rapidly rose. As we near the end of September the numbers of sparrow continue to increase with my first White crowned Sparrow of the season as well as larger numbers of a few other sparrows. At the same time the number of warblers continue to drop but I still managed to find a dozen species of them including a brief look at a Connecticut Warbler and a late Yellow Warbler plus my first small groups of Yellow rumped Warblers. The morning also included a few unusual flycatchers with a Least Flycatcher, two Eastern Wood Pewees and a Alder/Willow Flycatcher plus lots of Eastern Phoebes. Other notables included seven Great Egrets continuing (no sign of the Snowy Egret), a Merlin hunting along the hedgerows, nearly 30 Gray Catbirds, at least three Scarlet Tanagers and decent numbers of Indigo Buntings. The fruit field trees around the small field near the Old Orchard turned up several of the birds mentioned above and it really looks prime to turn up something late or lingering this fall...time will tell.
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