Little Blue Heron, Fitzgerald Lake, Northampton, MA, Aug 2, 2017 |
Little Blue Heron, Fitzgerald Lake, Northampton, MA, Aug 2, 2017 |
Little Blue Heron, Fitzgerald Lake, Northampton, MA, Aug 2, 2017 |
Green Heron, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 2, 2017 |
Great Egret, Lower Mill Pond, Easthampton, MA, Aug 2, 2017 |
I headed over to Fitzgerald Lake this morning to try again to find the juvenile Little Blue Heron found by David P. a few days ago. This time I had better luck and found the bird perched in a dead tree a few hundred feet away from the boardwalk. This is just the fourth one I have seen in the county with three of the them being juveniles in the late summer and a single adult in spring. I checked a variety of other spots for other waders and came across a number of others but nothing besides the expected species.
It has been a fantastic year for waders in the county with the Little Blue Heron becoming the eighth species of wader so far. Besides the always expected Great Blue Herons and Green Herons I have had American Bittern, Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret and Glossy Ibis. It will be interesting to see if any other waders show up over the next several weeks.
Marsh Wren, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
Marsh Wren, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
Common Yellowthroat, Quabbin Park, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
Yesterday I found a singing Marsh Wren at Lake Wallace, an oddly very unusual species for Hampshire County. I usually can find them in migration with a bit of effort but this is the first one I have found singing on territory in the county. A few full lists from the day located below:
Lake Wallace
Quabbin Park
House Wren, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
House Wren, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
House Wren, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 1, 2017 |
My two House Wren nests are still going strong and the young are getting bigger by the day and should fledge sometime in the next few days...lots of fun watching the adults come in constantly with more and more food.
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