Fiery throated Hummingbird, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Fiery throated Hummingbird, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Lesser Violetear, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Long tailed Silky Flycatcher, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Long tailed Silky Flycatchers, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Magnificent Hummingbird, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Magnificent Hummingbird, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
Sunset with Kelvin-Helmholtz Wave Clouds, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2016 |
We arrived for our latest (and tenth!) trip to Costa Rica late on December 14th and
stayed near San Jose for the night before departing in the morning to visit a
wildlife rehab center. The center is doing some great work in education to the
public and rehab of a variety of species (mammal and avian). Following that
visit we departed midday for the trip up to Paraiso Quetzal Lodge up in the
mountains at an elevation just over 2600 meters. Although somewhat cloudy in
the valley we arrived at the lodge early in the afternoon to mostly sunny skies
and we spent the next few hours admiring the hummingbirds at the feeders as well
as visiting the nearby flower gardens. Occasionally the clouds would move in
but would quickly disappear returning yet again to sunny skies. The hummingbird
activity at the feeders did not disappoint with loads of Magnificent
Hummingbirds, Green Violetears and Fiery throated Hummingbirds plus a couple
White throated Mountain Gems. The activity at the feeders continued until it
was almost too dark to see. A group of Long tailed Silky Flycatchers also made an appearance from time to time. We ended the day with a spectacular sunset that included some Kelvin-Helmholtz Wave Clouds. Unfortunately as the sun went down the clouds
rolled in and the winds picked up which dashed my hopes of finding some
nocturnal birds...another time perhaps.
Resplendent Quetzal, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 16, 2016 |
Wrenthrush, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 16, 2016 |
Black capped Flycatcher, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 16, 2016 |
Black Guan, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 16, 2016 |
Flame throated Warbler, Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, Costa Rica, Dec 16, 2016 |
On the 16th I met Andres at 6 am
to guide me around the area and hopefully find some of my target birds. I still
have a number of high elevation species that I have not yet seen but my number
one target was a Wrenthrush, which is oddly neither a wren or a thrush but is a
wood warbler species endemic to Costa Rica and Panama and one of only two
species of breeding warbler in Costa Rica I had not yet seen. Wrenthrush is a
small, dark bird with a burnt orange crown that inhabits dense growth within the
forest and is much more likely to be heard then seen. One other target for the
morning was a Resplendent Quetzal which I have seen a few times but Sherri had
not (she would join us a little later in the morning to try to find the
quetzal). Although there was a glimpses of sun early on the clouds quickly
filled in and the drizzle and light rain picked up and continued for most of the
mornings. Andres and I still managed to find some good birds despite the
weather including a lifer for me, a Black Guan plus a number of other highland
specialities. Just before we headed back to have a quick breakfast and meet up
with Sherri we found a beautiful male Resplendent Quetzal and got fantastic
looks of it through the scope. Sadly that was the only one we would see all
morning although we did hear one a little later. After a brief stop to eat we
headed back out into the rainy weather and started walking some of the trails
within the forest. Andres had a tip on where we might find a Wrenthrush and
after a slippery walk down some muddy trails we arrived at the location and
almost immediately had brief looks at a couple of Wrenthrush. They moved just
way to fast to get photos but I managed to get some recordings as they called
from the deep undergrowth. We never got another look at them in that location
but we decided to move further down the trail in hopes of finding them further
downslope where the trail curved back toward our current location. Sure enough
we caught back up with one of them and had brief but very close looks as it
foraged among some roots. I tried again for photos with my big camera but it
was just too dark and the bird was too fast. I eventually tried my luck with my
cellphone camera and I managed a few identifiable photos. I was very happy to
have not only found the bird but to have seen it well, managed some recordings
and got some photos. We continued our walk until a little before 10:30 when we
had to head back to pack up and check out for 11am. We then spent the next hour
checking out the hummingbird feeders again while waiting for our transportation
which should have arrived at noon. By 12:30 no one had shown so I had to call
the driver and he gave me a line of crap about being late and sending someone
else in his place (despite being reserved months in advance and agreeing to a
later pick up time at his request). Eventually it got to be after one and I had
to make a number of other calls but we cancelled our original transport and made
some last minute changes to get us out of the mountains and down to Rio Magnolia
Lodge. Although we planned to be there by early afternoon we never arrived
until after four. Despite our later than intended arrival the lodge once again
produced a life bird for me when I heard a Vermiculated Screech Owl while
walking back to our cabin after dinner.
Enjoyed reading about your trip to paradise! Can never get enough of CR. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMe neither...Costa Rica never gets old! Glad you enjoyed it...more to come soon.