Bufflehead, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Common Loons, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Hooded Mergansers, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Horned Grebes, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Horned Grebe, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Horned Grebe, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
Horned Grebe, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 30, 2015 |
With the forecast calling for strong northwest winds for the day I had hopes
that it could be a very good day for waterfowl over at Quabbin but the forecast
was wrong and I arrived at Winsor Dam just before sunrise and had light
southwest winds. I scanned the water and managed to come up with at least ten
Common Loons (with eight in one tight group) but no other waterfowl. Devin said
he would be joining me at some point in the morning but before he arrived I figured I would head over to Beaver Lake and the marsh on Route 9 in the hopes of finding
something interesting. Absolutely no waterfowl on Beaver Lake (which has
been very quiet this season). The marsh was a little more active with a growing
number of Hooded Mergansers plus Wood Ducks, Mallards, Black Ducks and Green
winged Teal. I then headed back over to Winsor Dam where I still had a number
of loons plus a Bufflehead. Devin arrived and we continued looking for birds
and eventually had another Bufflehead come in with a Long tailed Duck with it
plus a couple Common Mergansers and a single Hooded Merganser. As the winds
continued out of the west, southwest and with only a little activity we headed
into Quabbin Park to try our luck there. The original plan was to go check the water at Hank's Meadow
but the area was closed for the annual deer hunt (last week it was the filming
of Super Troopers 2 and this week hunting....). Instead we hit the area near
Goodnough Dike where we had a group of seven Horned Grebes together. We
initially had some excitement as one of the grebes had lots of dark coloration
on the face (we hoped for an Eared Grebe) but a better look revealed the bird to
be a Horned Grebe still transitioning to non breeding plumage. We also found
another lone Horned Grebe further out as well as three Common Loons plus a
single flyby Hooded Merganser but no other waterfowl. We headed back to Winsor
Dam in the hopes the winds had shifted to northwest but no luck. We still had a
few loons on the water way out but no other waterfowl at all. We did have some
movement of raptors with Cooper's, Sharp shinned and Red tailed Hawks, Bald
Eagles, Northern Harriers and Turkey Vultures as well as some migrant crows and
a few flights of Pine Siskins. No luck finding a hoped for Golden Eagle but
with the winds present I was not too surprised. Hopefully the winds will
eventually turn to the northwest as forecast for tonight before turning back to
a southerly direction for several days.
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