Ovenbird, Belchertown, MA, July 12, 2015 |
House Wren, Belchertown, MA, July 12, 2015 |
Great Blue Herons, Covey WMA, Belchertown, MA, July 12, 2015 |
Hooded Mergansers, Belchertown, MA, July 12, 2015 |
I spent this morning in the Belchertown area with stops at Lake
Wallace, Covey WMA and the White eyed Vireo location. A beautiful morning with
surprisingly few bugs. Once again no luck finding gallinules at Lake Wallace
but lots of waterfowl around as well as a calling Virginia Rail and a couple of Great Horned Owls that flew across the marsh and created a loud panic among the many other species present. Covey WMA had a decent amount of good stuff including a
Virginia Rail, a calling Northern Bobwhite and my first gathering of post
breeding swallows with well over a hundred individuals of four species
present. The area that has held the White eyed Vireo once again failed
to produce it but I still had a nice assortment of more expected
Although there is still a chance the Common Gallinules or the White eyed Vireo might still be around, it appears both species may be gone now. It was a long run for both of these unusual species here with the Common Gallinules first being discovered on June 5th and staying until July 1 (almost four weeks) and the White eyed Vireo found a few days before I saw it on May 30th and still around through at least July 5th (about six weeks).
Moose, Prescott Peninsula, MA, July 11, 2015 |
Eastern Towhee, Prescott Peninsula, MA, July 11, 2015 |
Scarlet Tanager, Prescott Peninsula, MA, July 11, 2015 |
Banded Hairstreak, Prescott Peninsula, MA, July 11, 2015 |
Yellow Warbler, Belchertown, MA, July 11, 2015 |
I once again headed up to the Prescott Peninsula on Saturday
morning to conduct a few field surveys, check on the hummingbird nest and
hopefully run across some crossbills again. I managed to get a few more fields
checked out and had a number of confirmed breeding species in the fields I
checked. Sadly the hummingbird nest is no more, likely destroyed by some
predator. It is a shame the nest didn't make it through as I'm sure the young
would have been much more visible today compared to last weekend when they
looked freshly hatched. No luck finding any crossbills either but that is not
too surprising as they are quite nomadic and last week was the first time I
heard them all season. Lots of other typical bird species around but the amount
of song continues to drop as the breeding season marches on. Another notable
sighting was when a Moose stepped out in front of me near a large pond and after
checking me out for a few minutes trotted away down the road. At the same time
there was another Moose on the opposite side of the pond feeding....always neat
to have two Moose in view at the same time.