Wilson's Warbler, Arcadia, Sept 16, 2011 |
Northern Waterthrush, Arcadia, Sept 16, 2011 |
Palm Warbler, Arcadia, Sept 16, 2011 |
I began the day at the Arcadia Meadows and then headed up to Goats Peak at Mt. Tom to get some hawk watching in. Down in Arcadia the recent floods were still in evidence but most areas can be accessed. There were some good birds around including a couple Lincoln's Sparrows, lots of Song and Savannah Sparrows and warblers such as a Northern Waterthrush, Yellow, Wilson's and Palm Warbler (first of the season).
Broad-winged Hawk, Mt Tom, Sept 16, 2011 |
Broad-winged Hawk kettle, Mt Tom, Sept 16, 2011 |
On Goats Peak in a couple hours of watching I had over 250 Broad-winged Hawks as well as several Bald Eagles, a few American Kestrels, a Peregrine Falcon, Osprey, Cooper's and Sharp shinned Hawks as well as several Bald Eagles. The winds were really moving up on the tower and most birds were really moving by fairly quick. Some great looks at some of the birds.
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