Monday, July 19, 2010

Prescott again

Coyotes, Quabbin, July 19, 2010
Coyotes, Quabbin, July 19, 2010

I spent about four hours this morning atlasing and turned up more evidence of breeding. Although the total amount of bird song has trailed off quite a bit, the birds are still around. The trip in today provided some great looks at young Ruffed Grouse, Northern Flickers feeding young, a Eastern Kingbird bringing food to some recently hatched young, various fledgling warblers, vireos and thrushes. I yet again found Chimney Swifts flying over the deep woods of Quabbin (a story for another post). The other highlights included a family group of two adult and three young Coyotes and a Small footed Myotis among the Little Brown Bats in a bat roosting site.


  1. Nice photos of the coyotes, Larry. What kind of bat roosting site are you talking about? A crevice in a rock, a tree? We put up a bat house a couple of years ago but haven't any luck I believe. I don't think the 2 bats that are visiting every eve are roosting in the house. At least I haven't seen any droppings.

  2. Thanks. The roost spot is in the rafters of an old building...the only building for miles. The numbers of bats has dropped so much over the last few years...I'm sure due to white nose syndrome. At least a few are still hanging in.
