Green winged Teal, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Mar 21, 2021
Tree Swallow, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Mar 21, 2021
American Wigeon, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Mar 20, 2021
Common Mergansers, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Mar 19, 2021
Hooded Merganser, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Mar 19, 2021
American Wigeons, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Mar 19, 2021
Northern Pintail, Hadley, MA, Mar 17, 2021
Common Mergansers, Beaver Lake, Ware, MA, Mar 15, 2021
Ring necked Ducks, Beaver Lake, Ware, MA, Mar 15, 2021
Bufflehead, Beaver Lake, Ware, MA, Mar 15, 2021
Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Mar 15, 2021
Wood Duck, Hadley Falls Canal Park, South Hadley, MA, Mar 14, 2021
Mute Swan, Hadley Falls Canal Park, South Hadley, MA, Mar 14, 2021Common Mergansers, Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Mar 13, 2021
The end of the third week of March has now come to a close and it has featured typical March weather with bouts of warmth and record setting cold. Almost all areas have lost all their ice by the end of the period and the increasing numbers and diversity of waterfowl have spread out and become less concentrated. The most notable waterfowl species for the last several days included a very early Red throated Loon found by Ted (which has stuck around for several days in South Hadley) and a Common Loon plus large numbers of Ring necked Ducks and Common Mergansers. In addition a warm surge around the 12th moved in some unusual early migrants including a Sandhill Crane and multiple Eastern Phoebes. A second surge of warmth starting today has brought in more migrants with a Red breasted Merganser and Red necked Grebe at Winsor Dam this morning. The next few days will feature light southerly winds which should push in more early season migrants. In fact the next several days will be above normal for temps and lows may not even get below freezing again until the end of the week...a nice reprieve from winter

Wilson enjoying a sunny warm day, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 11, 2021
The Wilson reached a big milestone in the middle of the month with his tenth birthday on the 15th. Thankfully he does not seem to be slowing down much at all and continues to be a crazy boy.