Brewster's Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 13, 2017 |
Brewster's Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 13, 2017 |
Lawrence's Warbler, Mineral Hills Conservation Area, Northampton, MA, May 13, 2017 |
Lawrence's Warbler, Mineral Hills Conservation Area, Northampton, MA, May 13, 2017 |
Rose breasted Grosbeak, Mitch's Way, Hadley, MA, May 13, 2017 |
Yellow Warbler, Mitch's Way, Hadley, MA, May 13, 2017 |
The forecast for today was for rain to start by late morning and the conditions to be cool and cloudy before the rain but with the bird-a-thon going on as well as eBird's global big day there was incentive to get out despite the less than ideal conditions. I started off predawn at Lake Wallace before heading over to spend the rest of the morning at Quabbin Park (at least that was my initial plan). My big find of the morning was a Brewster's Warbler at the park plus a number of more expected species. With the report of a Lawrence's Warbler in a conservation area in Northampton I decided to change my plans a bit and head over that way to try to catch up with the other named hybrid of Blue winged x Golden winged Warblers. I made my way up the muddy trail and after getting to the area it was reported in I immediately started hearing a blue winged song and quickly got looks at the bird...a Lawrence's Warbler. I have had a few of both of these types of hybrids in the county before but never both in the same day (Before today I have had two Lawrence's, both of which were in different locations in Belchertown on 4/29/09 and 5/14/12 and four Brewster's with three total at UMASS on 5/5/12, 5/11/14 and 5/8/16 plus one at Hampshire College also on 5/5/12...only the UMASS bird in 2012 stayed around beyond the original date of the sighting) As always it is worth tracking down every Blue winged Warbler song you hear as the reward can be some impressive birds. After having some good luck with warblers I decided to try to get some more and headed over to Mitch's Way and then Skinner SP. Both spots were crawling with birders (especially Skinner) but I still managed to find the expected warblers there but no luck with anything unexpected. I got a late report of a possible Kentucky Warbler heard at Skinner SP the day before but too late to check on it while I was there. No one else apparently came across it either so who knows if there was one there or not...time will tell if it shows back up. I ended the day back in the Quabbin area with visits to Lake Wallace, the land trust trail and a small section of Quabbin Park. Found a total of 113 species for the day with 21 species of warbler plus Brewster's Warbler and Lawrence's Warbler hybrids plus a further Blue winged x Golden winged Warbler hybrid...I just needed a Golden winged Warbler but no luck today. Lists from the day here:
Lake Wallace:
Winsor Dam:
Quabbin Park:
Mineral Hills Conservation Area:
Mitch's Way:
Skinner SP:
Lake Wallace:
Belchertown Land Trust trail:
Quabbin Park:
Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, May 12, 2017 |
Yesterday I birded for a few hours in the morning with Devin in the cloudy and somewhat gloomy conditions but we nonetheless still turned up some good stuff (it is May after all). We hoped the sun would eventually poke through but it never happened in the morning when we were out, it waited until the afternoon. Full list from the morning here:
In the evening I met back up with the Griffiths at Winsor dam to begin Mass Audubon's annual bird-a-thon fundraiser. Although the hoped for nighthawks never showed the Eastern Whip-poor-wills did not disappoint with one calling very close to us...list here with a recording of the whip:
Worm eating Warbler, Skinner SP, Hadley, MA, May 11, 2017 |
Yellow Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 11, 2017 |
Cerulean Warbler, Skinner SP, Hadley, MA, May 11, 2017 |
Cerulean Warbler, Skinner SP, Hadley, MA, May 11, 2017 |
American Redstart, Skinner SP, Hadley, MA, May 11, 2017 |
Cape May Warbler, Mitch's Way, Hadley, MA, May 11, 2017 |
On Thursday I made a trip over to Hadley to take an early morning walk along Mitch's Way and I had quite a bit of activity there starting off with my first of the season Wilson's Warbler following not long after by yet another male Cape May Warbler (my third for the season so far). Lots of Rose breasted Grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles were around as well as a somewhat high count of three Ruby crowned Kinglets continuing to hang around. On my way back to the car I found yet another new warbler for the season when I found a Canada Warbler. After finding 16 species of warbler during my time at Mitch's Way including some tough to find species I decided to try to see as many warbler species as I could so my next stop was over to nearby Skinner SP. I took the Taylor Notch trail up the mountain instead of my typical route up the road. Quite a bit of activity on the way to the top including my first Worm eating Warblers of the day. Once I got near the top I started hearing Cerulean Warblers and I once again had at least three singing males, including one that continues to give an odd abbreviated song. I got some video and recordings of the call and have attached them to the eBird list. No sign of any females yet but they could be staying hidden in the ever increasing leafed out trees or perhaps they have not arrived yet. After a quick errand in Amherst I made it over to Quabbin Park to find a few more warblers I was missing. By the end of my stops around the park I had found a total of 23 warbler species for the day (plus the continued hybrid BWWA x GWWA). I took a walk midday with Wilson over to Covey WMA to try to turn up some more new stuff but we only managed to find tons of ticks (the predictions of a really bad tick season appears to be coming true). Although it was once again a cooler than normal day at least it was sunny for a decent portion of the morning.
Mitch's Way:
Skinner SP:
Quabbin Park:
Field Sparrow, Home, Belchertown, MA, May 11, 2017 |
American Robin with leg bands, Home, Belchertown, MA, May 12, 2017 |
Meanwhile at home I finally captured a bird on the motion camera at the water feature that I had never seen in the yard before. The new species was a Field Sparrow that showed up briefly late morning, becoming the 164 species in the yard. I have also captured a number of other birds including a hummingbird once again plus catbirds, robins, dove and more. Still on the lookout for any of the banded catbirds or wrens making an appearance but no luck there yet. However it appears one of the banded robins is nesting in a small pine tree right next to the house.