Green Heron, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Green Heron, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Blue winged Teal, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Green winged Teal, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Peregrine Falcon, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Peregrine Falcon, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons, Holyoke Dam, South Hadley, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Common Nighthawk, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Common Nighthawk, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
Chimney Swift, Home, Belchertown, MA, Aug 24, 2016 |
On Wednesday morning
I headed out before dawn and started my day at Lake Wallace. The activity
started right away with at least seven Common Nighthawks feeding over the water
and nearby fields. They quickly went to roost as the morning got brighter and
I'm sure some were roosting right near the lake but I could not find any of them
despite scanning loads of trees. I scanned the lake and came up with some
notable waterfowl right away with 112 Wood Ducks, a Blue winged Teal and two
Green winged Teal plus Mallards and Canada Geese. August has been unusually
good for waterfowl with the Lesser Scaup that stayed until August 1st, the Red
necked Grebe I had a few days ago plus both species of teal. So far I have had
13 species of waterfowl in the county for the month which is my best August ever. I also
managed to get my highest count ever for Green Heron at the lake this morning
with at least 15 present! After leaving Lake Wallace I headed south to the
Holyoke Dam and once again had some decent sightings there. I had 31 Common
Mergansers, ten Great Blue Herons, 15 Great Egrets, 120+ Chimney Swifts and 300+
swallows with most being Bank and Tree Swallows but at least 2 Cliff Swallows
and a couple dozen Barn Swallows. After getting so many Great Egrets at the dam
I decided to work back up river to Hadley to see how many more I could find. I
managed to find three more bringing the total to at least 18 along the river
(and that was without stopping around the Arcadia area or further up river in
Hatfield...certainly a great year for Great Egrets up and down the valley). In the evening at home I had around twenty Common Nighthawks moving rapidly north plus a number of swifts and swallows.
Least Sandpiper and Mourning Dove, Lower Mill Pond, Easthampton, MA, Aug 25, 2016 |
Thursday morning on my way in to work I checked the river in Hadley and had a single Great Egret coming in and out of view in the fog. My next stop at Arcadia didn't turn up anything unusual but there were more Ring billed Gulls (around 35) then on any other morning so far this late summer/early fall. Notables at Lower Mill Pond included three Green Herons, 7 Killdeer and 8 Least Sandpipers.
Great Egrets, Holyoke Dam, South Hadley, MA, Aug 26, 2016 |
Double crested Cormorant, Holyoke Dam, South Hadley, MA, Aug 26, 2016 |
Cooper's Hawk, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 26, 2016 |
Green Heron, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Aug 26, 2016 |
I only had a short amount of time this morning before I had to be home to get some work done but I made a couple stops including the Holyoke Dam and Lake Wallace. The Holyoke Dam had the following for highlights: 7 Great Egrets, a Common Nighthawk and a several dozen swifts and swallows. Lake Wallace highlights included 63 Wood Ducks, 7 Green Herons and a Cooper's Hawk which had lots of interactions with a small group of crows.