Sunday, June 26, 2011

Breeding Bird Survey and eBird

I ran my Breeding Bird Survey route from Belchertown down through Ware, Palmer and Monson starting at 4:42am. The overall number of species was down from last year with 64 compared to 71 last year. The overall number of individual birds varied very little with 859 this year and 855 last year. Some nice birds including Bobolinks in a couple spots, Yellow-throated Vireo, Barred Owl and a host of other species. I was glad to finally be able to get the route down for this year. The route goes through the area of Monson that was devastated by an EF3 tornado at the beginning of the month. The damage is complete and total and absolutely amazing to see. The power of nature when it is unleashed is beyond what you think possible.

In addition I have reached a milestone with my reporting to eBird. I recently tallied my 1000th list for the year and my 7000th list overall. It is a great tool to keep track of records with and adds to the knowledge of bird distribution throughout the seasons. I encourage anyone to try it and submit some records.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cape Cod June 19-21

Least Tern with Sand lance, Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, MA, June 19, 2011
Piping Plover,Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, MA, June 20, 2011

Piping Plover, Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, MA June 20, 2011

I returned a few days ago from a three day trip down to Cape Cod. Some beautiful weather and some nice breeding birds present. Arrived on Sunday the 19th and left on Tuesday the 21st. We stayed in Chatham and managed visits to a few beaches at the Cape Cod National Seashore, Wellfleet Bay refuge, Ridgevale Beach, South Beach, Monomoy NWR and Fort Hill. No real migrants present but some great looks at Piping Plovers, Least Terns and Willets breeding along the beaches. A few plovers had recently hatched chicks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More from Ohio

Philadelphia Vireo, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011
Lincoln's Sparrow, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011

White-crowned Sparrow, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011

Blackpoll Warbler, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011
American Redstart, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011

Ovenbird, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011

Prothonotary Warbler, Magee Marsh, OH, May 2011

A few more pictures from my May trip to Ohio. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hooded Warbler at Quabbin

Hooded Warbler, Quabbin, June 4, 2011
Hooded Warbler, Quabbin, June 4, 2011

Raccoon, Quabbin, June 3, 2011

I was told of a Hooded Warbler male that is located at Quabbin that has been there for several days if not weeks . I was told this info only on the agreement that I not disclose the location as the finder of the bird was very concerned that undue pressure would be put on the bird. I will honor this request but wanted to share photos of this unusual bird. This is my first Hooded Warbler at Quabbin and adds yet another species to my Quabbin list (I have also added Blue Grosbeak, Sandhill Crane and Red Phalarope this year). Here are a few record shots of the bird as well as a few other photos from recent trips to various spots at Quabbin.