Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My 50,000th complete eBird list today

Common Mergansers, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Jun 18, 2024
Common Mergansers, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Jun 18, 2024
Screenshot from eBird, Jun 18, 2024

While out birding this morning on what is forecast to be the start of a several day heat wave, I hit a big milestone when it comes to eBird when I submitted my 50,000th complete list (I have also submitted several hundred more incidental/incomplete lists).  My milestone list turned out to be an early morning stop at Winsor Dam, a place I bird quite a bit and a spot that has produced many rare birds for me over the years including three first Hampshire County records that I found including White tailed TropicbirdKing Eider and Pacific Loon.  Very happy to have the list be from one of my favorite birding spots.  

Sunbittern, Species #2000 for me, Arenal Observatory Lodge, Costa Rica, Mar 6, 2024
Common Redshank, Life bird #1500, By The Lighthouse Lodging, Vogar, Iceland, Jul 1, 2019
Beautiful Jay, life bird #1000, Tandayapa Lodge, Ecuador, Nov 18, 2015

During this time I have seen or heard a total of 2002 species in a total of 27 countries plus several other dependencies and territories (with species #2000 on a trip to Costa Rica in March of this year, species, species #1500 in Iceland in July 2019 and species #1000 on a trip to Ecuador in Nov 2015). I have submitted photos for 1315 species and recordings of 385 species.  I have submitted lists from as far south as southern Brazil, as far north as Iceland, as far west as Alaska and as far east as Austria.  I look forward to continuing on this journey as long as possible.

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