Monday, May 20, 2024

Species #174 in the yard today with a Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon, Home, Belchertown, MA, May 20, 2024

After living in our house in Belchertown since October of 2005 it is seldom that I get to add a new species to the yard this but I managed that today with a Peregrine Falcon, which became species #174 for the yard.  This is the first addition in two years with the last being a Horned Lark in April of 2022.  I was outside listening to some Bay breasted Warblers in the oaks that have almost completely leafed out and I saw the falcon circle around a few times.  I had my camera with me as I had a faint hope that a Swallow tailed Kite seen just a few miles away yesterday may make a flight past the house.  Although the kite did not show I was happy to add a new species for the yard.

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