Sunday, May 26, 2024

Poverty Mountain bird census

Looking down toward lower fields, Poverty Mt, Shutesbury, MA, May 26, 2024

I made the trip over to Kevin and Cynthia's land in Shutesbury to once again take part in the annual bird census on their 300+ acres (which actually covers three towns...Shutesbury, Pelham and Amherst).  This was the 19th consecutive year of the count and one I have taken part in for most of them.  It really is a special property that is managed mainly for birds (as well as other wildlife) and has been in their family for a long time.  For a variety of reasons the people available to take part was limited to just Kevin, Greg and myself so we could not cover the area as well as in past years when we made multiple groups of people heading out to cover the large area.  Nonetheless we had 55+ species and I'm sure a few more were added a bit later by Kevin.  Look forward to taking part again next year on the 20th anniversary of the count.

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