Greater White fronted Goose, North Hadley, MA, Mar 19, 2019 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', East Meadows, Northampton, MA, Mar 20, 2019 |
Carolina Wren with nest material, East Meadows, Northampton, MA, Mar 20, 2019 |
Wood Duck, East Meadows, Northampton, MA, Mar 20, 2019 |
Northern Pintails, Hadley, MA, Mar 20, 2019 |
Snow Goose, Amherst, MA, Mar 20, 2019 |
After getting back from the Caribbean last Sunday (more on that in a later post) I have spent the last few days catching up with newly arrived migrants with waterfowl being the main focus. It has certainly felt more spring like compared to the weather when I left in the early part of March (but still not as nice as the tropics!). I have seen a total of 17 species of waterfowl since returning north with several of those new for me for the year including Greater White fronted Geese, Gadwall, American Wigeon, Green winged Teal, Ring necked Duck and Lesser Scaup with most found along the Connecticut River or in nearby fields. Other early migrants have also started arriving including Killdeer, Tree Swallows, Fox Sparrows, American Woodcock, Rusty Blackbirds and Wilson's Snipe. Red winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles have also arrived in large numbers with flocks of several hundred around. In addition to all the new arrivals I found the overwintering Yellow rumped Warbler still surviving in the East Meadows plus a pair of Carolina Wrens gathering nest material.
Bobcat, Home, Belchertown, MA, Feb 22, 2019 |
Mink, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 5, 2019 |
Raccoon, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 12, 2019 |
White tailed Deer, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 13, 2019 |
Brown Creeper, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 17, 2019 |
Black capped Chickadee with leg bands, Home, Belchertown, MA, Mar 5, 2019 |
I have also caught a number of notables on my game cameras at home including the continued Bobcat, a group of White tailed Deer (largest group I have yet had on the cameras), Raccoons and a Mink plus a Brown Creeper still coming to a suet feeder and banded Black capped Chickadees.
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